Speak of love as it is magic
Speak of magic as it is you
Speak of you as it is me
Speak of me as it is all
Speak of all as it is love
°Woodlights Woudlicht
Heart healing
Of all the spaces
this is an open one
as wide and as vast as the multiverse extends
it invites all
it offers all refuge
it mends, it cures, it heals, it alters
it recovers, it aids, it rebuilds
and all it takes
is to reside
in the space
that is an open one
as wide and as vast as the multiverse extends
to surrender to its wisdom
one beat at a time
°Woodlights Woudlicht
Love of the galaxies
To run through our veins
the blood of life
overflowing with the love of the galaxies
colliding energies
and in the death of this dance
a new world arises
right within us
°Woodlights Woudlicht
The rebellion of healing
Within reach
innumerable realms
galaxies of old
expansions of time non-existent
spaces of ages untold
yet what matters
the fields of vibration
that echo
the pulsations
that are resonating
in the revolution of this being
where the healers will lead the rebellion
only bowing to love
°Woodlights Woudlicht