
Pink Andean Opal, Rose Quartz, Bi-colour Tourmaline, Lathyrus
Pink Andean Opal, Rose Quartz, Bi-colour Tourmaline, Lathyrus

In the tenderness
of the forgiving embrace
love moved in
and healing took place
°Woodlights Woudlicht


Chlorite Quartz, Prehnite with Epidote, Fluorite, Green Quartz, Aventurine, Morganite, Honey Calcite, Quartz, Helichrysum italicum, Roses from the garden, Salvia officinalis Purpurascens
Chlorite Quartz, Prehnite with Epidote, Fluorite, Green Quartz, Aventurine, Morganite, Honey Calcite, Quartz, Helichrysum italicum, Roses, Salvia officinalis Purpurascens from the garden

May the stone that is laid down
expand the healing light which is within
multiply the love gathered on the realms travelled
not to the end
but let this being carry us
to where it begins
°Woodlights Woudlicht

Welcoming the greeting bouquet blessing visitors at our door…

In joy

Honey Calcite, Citrine, Green Quartz and Freesia
Honey Calcite, Citrine, Green Quartz and Freesia

How victorious it is
to live
in joy
walk beside each other
travel the dimensions of adventure
enter the realms of calm
and to be just you
°Woodlights Woudlicht

The rebellion of healing

Prehnite with Epidote, Prasem Quartz, Prehnite with Quartz, Titanite and Adularia combined, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Rodochrosite, Chrysoprase, Morganite and Pink Andean Opal
Prehnite with Epidote, Prasem Quartz, Prehnite with Quartz, Titanite and Adularia combined, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Rodochrosite, Chrysoprase, Morganite and Pink Andean Opal

Within reach
innumerable realms
galaxies of old
expansions of time non-existent
spaces of ages untold
yet what matters
the fields of vibration
that echo
the pulsations
that are resonating
in the revolution of this being
where the healers will lead the rebellion
only bowing to love
°Woodlights Woudlicht