Speak of love as it is magic
Speak of magic as it is you
Speak of you as it is me
Speak of me as it is all
Speak of all as it is love
°Woodlights Woudlicht
A conversation with the sacred – Listening to the stones – Crystal Grid Healing
Speak of love as it is magic
Speak of magic as it is you
Speak of you as it is me
Speak of me as it is all
Speak of all as it is love
°Woodlights Woudlicht
Dragons, he said, will soar the skies
She listened and her heart felt the warmth of the memory
She loved dragons
The ones she would ride through snow-ridden valleys
and snuggle up with at their fires in a deep embrace
in caves filled with stones
and stories to be shared
Dragons, he said, from all four directions
and all in between as well
Be ready, my sweet child
Prepare, my love, for their light
°Woodlights Woudlicht
Under my wings
a world emerges
the great playground
where we forget to play
too often
too serious
too complicated
too forgetful of all the wonders to be discovered
too ashamed to sing aloud and dance atrociously bad
too afraid to just love and be who we really are
I give you my world which is yours
All is music – spin, whirl and revolve
Twirl your existence unto the real stage of your being
You are life’s song
°Woodlights Woudlicht
Enter the kingdom of seers
to whom the darkness is a known
their touch
their words
the way their vibrations reach your soul
they do not teach
they show
that all is love
either in presence
or in absence
healing will follow
°Woodlights Woudlicht