
Quartz, Citrine, Flower petals
Quartz, Citrine, Flower petals

The winding road inside of you

that travels deeper into the abyss

of being

taking you into all the questions

the utter desolation

withdrawing from life itself

walk it

stroll it

run through it

until the very edge

the threshold


exactly there

where you will find the stars in your veins seeping from your bones

let the sight of it hit you

with the truth

that you are connected to all

°Woodlights Woudlicht


Blue Andean Opal, Rutile Quartz, Honey Calcite, Greenlandite, Citrine, Golden Healer Quartz
Blue Andean Opal, Rutile Quartz, Honey Calcite, Greenlandite, Citrine, Golden Healer Quartz

Into the understanding of nothing

the field

of all that is


the beyond and within

and its only way out

is the embrace of

the knowing

that love understands all

°Woodlights Woudlicht


Golden Calcite, Citrine, Golden Healer Quartz, Jasper, Bumblebee Jasper
Golden Calcite, Citrine, Golden Healer Quartz, Jasper, Bumblebee Jasper

As a prayer of gratitude for this abundance

you are the whispers missed

the refuge of your being

bringing gifts from beyond

the solace we all long for

in the alignment of the new

in need of the treasure of the old souls

stitching our love in every pattern of this life

weaving the wings of our belonging home

into every breath 

to be a prayer

of gratitude 

for your presence

kissing the offerings of your giving

°Woodlights Woudlicht