Yielding into this connection
the alliance
beyond and within
an invisible force
stands along
watching over all that is
all that has been
and all that is to become
°Woodlights Woudlicht
A conversation with the sacred – Listening to the stones – Crystal Grid Healing
Yielding into this connection
the alliance
beyond and within
an invisible force
stands along
watching over all that is
all that has been
and all that is to become
°Woodlights Woudlicht
In between the worlds
of holding on and belonging
I am none the wiser
of where this life takes me
of who I am to become
if not the one I am
and always have been
belonging to all
and holding on to nothing
yielding into the fields of love
aligning myself
with where we are
eternally home
°Woodlights Woudlicht
Come with me
to where we are born
the cradle of love
the endless reality of being
more than we are ever able to grasp with our mind
the fields of belonging home
in our soul
in love
let me walk you to the dimension of our being
let me show you
the preciousness
the sacredness of you being here
right here
right now
more than ever
°Woodlights Woudlicht
Unbinding the entanglement of illusion
the stories we tell unto ourselves
the fear we listen to
the mirage we are shown as mist in our existence
delusion of so-called reality
the wanderings of the mind of what is and what is not
all the while
expanding matter into meaning
deriving meaning out of matter
wiping it all off the table
when love walks in
°Woodlights Woudlicht