In the fragility of the sacred
of life
it is in the healing
the battles end
in us
holding space
for what is not to be forgotten
the eminence
of love
°Woodlights Woudlicht
A conversation with the sacred – Listening to the stones – Crystal Grid Healing
In the fragility of the sacred
of life
it is in the healing
the battles end
in us
holding space
for what is not to be forgotten
the eminence
of love
°Woodlights Woudlicht
And once in a while
when this world seems so far away
from the reality I am in my core
I allow myself being saved
by the beauty of it all
in all its dimensions
as tea drenched fabric wrapped into something tangible
the poetry of tears falling down
painting life into me
calling back the stars
rocking me gently
like a lullaby
the evanescence of it all
yet knowing the unlimitedness of the galaxies inside
the evaporation of existence
the everlasting being whole
torn into parts
and once in a while
when the world seems so far away
from the truth
I allow myself being saved
by the surrender
kneeling down onto this earth
understanding the connection of this fragility
to the ultimate possibility we are
breaking open
°Woodlights Woudlicht
Between life and death
there is no in-between
there is no distance
no difference
and of all that life holds
of being born
or even worth dying for
it is only love
and nothing more
°Woodlights Woudlicht
I have sculpted you
in dimensions
out of time
I tended the minutes
gathered the hours
extended my being softly into yours
only to find out
that in the ways of the soul
I have solely been loving you
all the way down
woven through thin air
just as I have been cherishing
the presence of myself
in the surrender to it all
and of all this being here
emulated in breathing
I understand
at the dawn of magic
it doesn’t matter how things are becoming in the grand creation of it all
the sole reason of existence
is the loving
in whatever sculpture you turn your life into
an endless magical dance
of birthing
into love
°Woodlights Woudlicht