What moves us

Rose Quartz, Pink Andean Opal, Quartz and Flower petals
Rose Quartz, Pink Andean Opal, Quartz and Flower petals

I have wondered how many times
we forgot to see the beauty in darkness
and more than this
was it because we could not handle it
we preferred not to
because it made our hearts tremble
and our tears flow down
I wonder how we fail to remember
that what moves us
has the power to move all along
°Woodlights Woudlicht


Quartz, Chlorite Phantom Quartz, Honey Calcite, Rhodizite
Quartz, Chlorite Phantom Quartz, Honey Calcite, Rhodizite

Walking towards the endless horizon

the vastness grows inside

of all the stars residing in our veins

the taste of infinity

meanders its way into being

murmuring expansiveness into each cell

trembling the web

until the light catches the fire

and all resurrects

°Woodlights Woudlicht