Every step taken

Gifted natural heart shaped stone with Hematite and Quartz veins, Micraster corcolumbarium, Calcite, Petrified Wood, Lava Bomb
Gifted natural heart shaped stone with Hematite and Quartz veins, Micraster corcolumbarium, Calcite, Petrified Wood, Lava Bomb

On the sacred grounds

every step taken reverberates

into an endless wave of motions

scattering the thoughts




holding a mirror

of existence

on the infinite layers of reality

vibrating endlessly

to then resonate

with the right ones

°Woodlights Woudlicht

Grounds of love

Calcite, Rose Quartz, Aragonite, Quartz with inclusions, Rutile Quartz
Calcite, Rose Quartz, Aragonite, Quartz with inclusions, Rutile Quartz

Come to these grounds of love

the shelter to be harbored in

in the depths of your being

protected by the most pervasive of all

leaking stardust through your veins

tasting the salt

whispering the words

hold on, hold on

breathing centuries of life

in a circle of light

ever guiding

by the sacred knowing

the ultimate wisdom

to be

and go forth

°Woodlights Woudlicht

Through the soul

Honey Calcite, Goshenite, Calcite, Menalite, Citrine, Andean Pink Opal, Morganite, Rutile Quartz, Tourmaline, Shells and dried Hydrangea petals

into abundance
entering dimensions
unarmed in the quantum field
with you 
the sacred 
the holy
the infinite blessings
of life
through the realms of dark
not to lose sight
of what solely is reached
through the soul
so shield yourself from harm
yet know
only the highest protection
being love 
conquers all
°Woodlights Woudlicht


Calcite, Quartz, Green Quartz, Inclusions Quartz, Phantom Quartz, Staurolite, Gogottes - sandstone concretions, Druid White Quartz, Aragonite, Herkimer Diamond and Salix viminalis
Calcite, Quartz, Green Quartz, Inclusions Quartz, Phantom Quartz, Staurolite, Gogottes – sandstone concretions, Druid White Quartz, Aragonite, Herkimer Diamond and Salix viminalis

They declared me all is space
but I like to differ
as I can sense you on my skin miles apart
your words reach me without being spoken
this love comes in waves
faster than light
protecting the sacred
beyond the realms
within the kingdoms
at the center
in the void
where all is space
so they said
and we are just one
°Woodlights Woudlicht