
Calcite, Quartz, Green Quartz, Inclusions Quartz, Phantom Quartz, Staurolite, Gogottes - sandstone concretions, Druid White Quartz, Aragonite, Herkimer Diamond and Salix viminalis
Calcite, Quartz, Green Quartz, Inclusions Quartz, Phantom Quartz, Staurolite, Gogottes – sandstone concretions, Druid White Quartz, Aragonite, Herkimer Diamond and Salix viminalis

They declared me all is space
but I like to differ
as I can sense you on my skin miles apart
your words reach me without being spoken
this love comes in waves
faster than light
protecting the sacred
beyond the realms
within the kingdoms
at the center
in the void
where all is space
so they said
and we are just one
°Woodlights Woudlicht