
Kunzite, Tourmalated Quartz, Rubellite, Taramite and Rainbow Moonstone
Kunzite, Tourmalated Quartz, Rubellite, Taramite and Rainbow Moonstone

That heart of yours

is caressed by the highest protection

being love

so yield into opening

the treasure of the ages

your heart


your home

°Woodlights Woudlicht

Manifestation of being

Larimar, Pyrite, Amazonite, Taramite, Hemimorphite with Cerrusite
Larimar, Pyrite, Amazonite, Taramite, Hemimorphite with Cerrusite

In the surrender to the soul
master the waters
surfacing the darkness
accept the whole
in the flow of our essential expression
the immersion
the dissolving of all that does not hold true
entering the higher awareness
expanding the consciousness
facing the innermost center
welcome the real you
°Woodlights Woudlicht


Morganite, Rubellite Quartz, Taramite, Schörl, Schörl with Goshenite, Rose Quartz and Milky Quartz

Of all the threads in life’s web
the ones made of love are the strands that are unbreakable
°Woodlights Woudlicht