Lands of being

Skeletal Quartz, Prehnite with Epidote, Morganite, Nuummite, Rose Quartz
Skeletal Quartz, Prehnite with Epidote, Morganite, Nuummite, Rose Quartz

To walk the shadow lands of being

existence stretches itself into an endless field of all and nothing

being present in both

and all the while breathing

into now

landscapes tremble 

the ancient sighs silent whispers

sacredness presenting itself as ever omnipresent

ever old

ever new

taking in 

all the colors of dusk and dawn



in the numinous lands 

being all and nothing

but above all



°Woodlights Woudlicht

Place of peace

Aroha Stone, Morganite, Blue Lace Agate, Anhydrite, Amethyst, Pink Andean Opal, Quartz, Lavandula officinalis

From my place of peace
I pour into your hands a waterfall of gratefulness
I am indebted to your breathing as we share this time
This tribute to life is nothing more or less than 
an honor acclaimed in the darkest of times
bestowing the stars inside of us to shine
to turn to dust and remain in all
From my place of love
I shower you in my peace 
and wish you travel safely through the forest
traverse harmlessly the open fields
and in the middle of it all
you are never alone to run into the adventures 
this life offers recklessly
From my place of peace I bow in love
°Woodlights Woudlicht

This crystal grid is part of the crystal grids for the IG Project on 8 July 2022 “Grids around the World” @gridsaroundtheworld – praying for peace

Connection of fragility

Tourmaline in Quartz, Jade, Morganite, Verdelite, Plum Blossoms
Tourmaline in Quartz, Jade, Morganite, Verdelite, Plum Blossoms

And once in a while

when this world seems so far away 

from the reality I am in my core

I allow myself being saved

by the beauty of it all

in all its dimensions

as tea drenched fabric wrapped into something tangible 

the poetry of tears falling down

painting life into me

calling back the stars

rocking me gently 

like a lullaby

the evanescence of it all

yet knowing the unlimitedness of the galaxies inside

the evaporation of existence

the everlasting being whole

torn into parts

and once in a while

when the world seems so far away

from the truth

I allow myself being saved 

by the surrender

kneeling down onto this earth

understanding the connection of this fragility

to the ultimate possibility we are

breaking open


°Woodlights Woudlicht