
Calcite, Quartz, Green Quartz, Inclusions Quartz, Phantom Quartz, Staurolite, Gogottes - sandstone concretions, Druid White Quartz, Aragonite, Herkimer Diamond and Salix viminalis
Calcite, Quartz, Green Quartz, Inclusions Quartz, Phantom Quartz, Staurolite, Gogottes – sandstone concretions, Druid White Quartz, Aragonite, Herkimer Diamond and Salix viminalis

They declared me all is space
but I like to differ
as I can sense you on my skin miles apart
your words reach me without being spoken
this love comes in waves
faster than light
protecting the sacred
beyond the realms
within the kingdoms
at the center
in the void
where all is space
so they said
and we are just one
°Woodlights Woudlicht

Soul embrace

Herkimer Diamond, Quartz, Phrenite, Morganite, Astrophylite, Cryolite with Siderite and Amethyst
Herkimer Diamond, Quartz, Phrenite, Morganite, Astrophylite, Cryolite with Siderite and Amethyst

For Yelena Tomas

If ever you would doubt the way of your soul
be assured
your soul knows
embracing you whole
°Woodlights Woudlicht


Herkimer Diamond, Morganite, Quartz, Aquamarine, Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Chrysoprase, Fluorite, Tanzanite, Pietersite and Hematite
Herkimer Diamond, Morganite, Quartz, Aquamarine, Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Chrysoprase, Fluorite, Tanzanite, Pietersite and Hematite

For David Klippel

The rise of the ancients
into the disclosure of the divine frequencies
into the reality of being
come along
surrender to the love you are
to the light you hold
free yourself in this world
do not protect yourself from it
you came to unbind
unchain the cages around your heart
move with light across the multiverse
aid the unfolding
all the boundaries you made up in your head
forget about them
they do not exist
nor does space
nor does time
why else do you feel like I am whispering to your soul?
it is time to stand up
and stand tall
call upon the powers held in your being
unleash the love
unravel and soar
free us all
°Woodlights Woudlicht