Ever deepening

Chrysoprase, Phrenite with Epidote, Verdelite, Aventurine, Jade, Prasem and Plum blossom from our garden
Chrysoprase, Phrenite with Epidote, Verdelite, Aventurine, Jade, Prasem Quartz, and Plum blossom from our garden

In all its fragility

life surrenders to the grace of its circles

ever widening connection

ever more reminding that all is born together

ever deepening healing

yielding into each other

°Woodlights Woudlicht

As it is love

Phrenite, Pink Andean Opal, and Phrenite with Epidote
Phrenite, Pink Andean Opal, and Phrenite with Epidote

Speak of love as it is magic
Speak of magic as it is you
Speak of you as it is me
Speak of me as it is all
Speak of all as it is love
°Woodlights Woudlicht

Into love

Morganite, Indicolite, Verdelite, Aquamarine, Kunzite, Moravian Star Quartz, Phrenite with Epidote, Rose Quartz, and Auralite
Morganite, Indicolite, Verdelite, Aquamarine, Kunzite, Moravian Star Quartz, Phrenite with Epidote, Rose Quartz, and Auralite

In the union of the sacred
through the ravines of time crossing the gates of infinity the integration of the whole
moves into a higher state of consciousness
handing the understanding
of the balance
into the connection
the ever returning alignment
into love
°Woodlights Woudlicht

Life itself

Rutile Quartz, Peridot, Aragonite and Honey Calcite
Rutile Quartz, Peridot, Aragonite and Honey Calcite

The inner of fire

is life itself

in its destruction

in its creation

just as love brought you alive

to do the same

with your world

°Woodlights Woudlicht