The soul knows

Heal the healer crystal grid
Phrenite, Verdelite, Ametrine pyramids, Chlorite Phantom Quartz sphere, Aquamarine with Chamomille, Cornflower and Daisy petals

What is treasured
is known
by the soul
°Woodlights Woudlicht

A little over a year ago…and somehow the soul keeps on whispering about all the treasures to be out in the open in order to grow…May we all hear our soul’s whispers and act upon them

Soul residence

Amethyst, Aquamarine, Verdelite, Chive flowers and Lavender
Amethyst, Aquamarine, Verdelite, Chive flowers and Lavender

Of all the loves that reside in the soul
it are those that are always to return
°Woodlights Woudlicht

Within to be shared

Verdelite, Dravite, Bi-colour Tourmaline, Imperial Topaz, Iolite and Sunstone
Verdelite, Dravite, Bi-colour Tourmaline, Imperial Topaz, Iolite and Sunstone

One goes to search
for light
for enlightenment
for love
in someone
forgetting that all of that
is within
the essence
of us
in abundance
to be shared
°Woodlights Woudlicht