Full moon blessings

Selenite, Golden Selenite, Quartz, Rutile Quartz, Citrine and Viburnum
Selenite, Golden Selenite, Quartz, Rutile Quartz, Citrine and Viburnum

At the center
in the depths
on the outskirts
she will reach you
no matter what
just accept
her healing
it is her gift for you
°Woodlights Woudlicht

Life’s mess

Pietersite, Prasem, Epidote, Chiastolite, Chalcedony, Quartz, Selenite and Feathers Crystal Grid by Woodlights Woudlicht
Pietersite, Prasem, Epidote, Chiastolite, Chalcedony, Quartz, Selenite and Feathers


I will throw you into life
into the mess
the chaos
the tears
the horror
the pain
the hurt
the unforgiven
the dark
and I promise you
you will always find love
°Woodlights Woudlicht

Emanating Light

Labradorite, Kyanite, Quartz, Citrine, Yellow-green Beryl, Yellow Calcite, Golden Selenite, Fluorite, Selenite, Jade, Marguerite Daisy and candles
Labradorite, Kyanite, Quartz, Citrine, Yellow-green Beryl, Yellow Calcite, Golden Selenite, Fluorite, Selenite, Jade, Marguerite Daisy and candles

From the center of your being
a light emanates
surrounding your body
vibrating into the air
do not dim it
do not turn it down
bring on the head lights
let us start this party
to get it going on
more intense
more beautiful
more tender
more loving
saving lights is not how we save the planet
so ignite
inflame all the light your being brought
for this time
°Woodlights Woudlicht

Presence in the now

Chrysanthemum Stone, Aegerine, Chlorite Quartz, Chlorite Phantom Quartz, Phantom Quartz, Selenite, Olivine, Epidote, Shungite, Lemurian Quartz, Pine cones and Feathers
Chrysanthemum Stone, Aegerine, Chlorite Quartz, Chlorite Phantom Quartz, Phantom Quartz, Selenite, Olivine, Epidote, Shungite, Lemurian Quartz, Pine cones and Feathers

Under my wings
a world emerges
the great playground
where we forget to play
too often
too serious
too complicated
too forgetful of all the wonders to be discovered
too ashamed to sing aloud and dance atrociously bad
too afraid to just love and be who we really are
so I give you my world which is yours
all is music – spin, whirl and revolve
twirl your existence unto the real stage of your being
you are life’s song
°Woodlights Woudlicht