
Scolecite, Quartz, Dravite, Turquoise and White Feathers found
Scolecite, Quartz, Dravite, Turquoise and White Feathers found

This time 
this realm 
this warrior 
in you 
crafting the highest magic 
out of love 
honoring the alchemy 
the understanding 
that all that is 
that all that becomes 
that all that was 
is unfolding
into the infinite dimensions of now 
°Woodlights Woudlicht


Nephrite, Scolecite, Chrysoprase and Plum Blossom
Nephrite, Scolecite, Chrysoprase and Plum Blossom

In the fragility of the inner child

there is a strength that will overpower you

in its peace with being

°Woodlights Woudlicht

Spark joy

Ocean Jasper, Quartz, Sunstone, Scolecite and Citrine
Ocean Jasper, Quartz, Sunstone, Scolecite and Citrine

To know joy

is to share love

°Woodlights Woudlicht

*** For Parvati Rogan & Chloe Sell – “Find peace and serenity and calm to choose the relationships around me that seek to nurture and spark joy in my soul” ***

Of all the calms

Apophyllite with Silbite, Scolecite, Citrine and Leaves
Apophyllite with Stilbite, Scolecite, Citrine and Leaves

Of all the calms
may it be my heart that is wild and free
and my words soft as the tenderness to be
the unlimited fields of being self
and not who the world wants to see in me
°Woodlights Woudlicht