
Kyanite, Tiger Eye, Quartz, Chrysanthemum Stone, Boji Stones and Citrine
Kyanite, Tiger Eye, Quartz, Chrysanthemum Stone, Boji Stones and Citrine

Upon the whispers of the soul
carried through the skies
meeting the shadow
greeting all elements in the whole
differentiating and clarifying all on the road 
seeing the dying of the untrue
welcoming the wings to fly off with 
taking only with us that which is of value
the real
the honest
the true
°Woodlights Woudlicht

In these mythic times, I invite you once more to join me on the path of alchemy where seven stages will be explored – all the way deep into the soul – into the whole – into one.

This is the stage of separation – to ponder upon, to integrate, to take far into the deep, meeting the shadow and the light, and to take along that what is to be cherished – the real you…

Always more to love

Morganite, Quartz
Morganite, Quartz

There never is more

than all there is,

you said

I would want to agree, I replied,

but somehow my soul

wants you to know

there is always more to love

°Woodlights Woudlicht


Herkimer Diamand, Trapiche Quartz, Dissolved Quartz, Scolecite, Goshenite, Quartz, Stalachtite sliced Quartz
Herkimer Diamond, Trapiche Quartz, Dissolved Quartz, Scolecite, Goshenite, Quartz, Stalachtite sliced Quartz

And once in a while

when this world seems so far away 

from the reality I am in my core

I allow myself being saved

by the beauty of it all

in all its dimensions

as tea drenched fabric wrapped into something tangible 

the poetry of tears falling down

painting life into me

calling back the stars

rocking me gently 

like a lullaby

the evanescence of it all

yet knowing the unlimitedness of the galaxies inside

the evaporation of existence

the everlasting being whole

torn into parts

and once in a while

when the world seems so far away

from the truth

I allow myself being saved 

by the surrender

kneeling down onto this earth

understanding the connection of this fragility

to the ultimate possibility we are

breaking open


°Woodlights Woudlicht

The powers

Gogottes - Sand Concretion, Amber, Quartz, Coral, Hematoid Quartz
Gogottes – Sand Concretion, Amber, Quartz, Coral, Hematoid Quartz

In the cradle

folded in time

unloosened by birth

the wonder of all

carried by life and all its beings

and as if in an assembly of the powers that are to be

they are looking now at you

to rise

to align

to be who you are

an invitation open to love

and of all the deaths you have died before

this is living

°Woodlights Woudlicht