Your heart

Gifted natural heart shaped stone with Hematite and Quartz veins, Quartz
Gifted natural heart shaped stone with Hematite and Quartz veins, Quartz

I bow to these times

the undefinable realms of now

the space where the light gathers

in sacred circles

in all directions

finding the voice

on the trembling of vibrations

raising the frequencies

reminding you 

of the magic you are

and the power innate

to heal all

°Woodlights Woudlicht

The great birth

Quartz, Nephrite, Prehnite with Epidote, Chlorite Quartz
Quartz, Nephrite, Prehnite with Epidote, Chlorite Quartz

The great birth of being

holds in itself

the healing of the past into the future

into the past

as in a circle non-existent in time

passing all the wrongs into light

showing how

into the present

the sacred salvation unfolds

and life evolves

°Woodlights Woudlicht


Tanzanite, Sugilite, Morganite, Aquamarine, Selenite and Clear Quartz
Tanzanite, Sugilite, Morganite, Aquamarine, Selenite and Clear Quartz

Integrating the limitless
purifying the shadows
moving on and beyond
judgments are none
where the soul of belonging
is home all along in the below as the above
°Woodlights Woudlicht

In these mythic times, I invite you once more to join me on the path of alchemy where seven stages will be explored – all the way deep into the soul – into the whole – into one.

This is the stage of distillation – to ponder upon, to integrate, to take far into the heights, to marvel at the world without judgments, finding you in all around, responding to the higher frequencies in the below as in the above, …


Celestine, Optical Calcite, Danburite, Scolecite and Clear Quartz
Celestine, Optical Calcite, Danburite, Scolecite and Clear Quartz

In the dark night of the soul
the doors of the higher dimensions
will be opened by letting go
entering in the flow
welcoming the light to expand and grow
°Woodlights Woudlicht

In these mythic times, I invite you once more to join me on the path of alchemy where seven stages will be explored – all the way deep into the soul – into the whole – into one.

This is the stage of fermentation – to ponder upon, to integrate, to take far into the deep, welcoming the death of the lower self, entering the light dimensions, unfurling the higher frequencies you bring into life.