
Beryl, Anhydrite, Sodalite, Lapis Lazulit, Aventurine, Alexandrite, Verdelite, Epidote, Kyanite, Quartz and Tanzanite
Beryl, Anhydrite, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Aventurine, Alexandrite, Verdelite, Epidote, Kyanite, Quartz and Tanzanite

The way you hold the world in your soul


the world remembers

that love

°Woodlights Woudlicht

Total liberation

Topaz, Hiddenite, Quartz and Rose Quartz
Topaz, Hiddenite, Quartz and Rose Quartz

In the whirling winds of life

there is an eternal still point

one that liberates

on the edge of existence and infinity

where you meet yourself in the other

and in that gathering of lightyears of being

the true freedom lies there

to love all

to love all more than ever

in its most essential deliverance

in the total detachment and surrender

to yield onto love

and to just love

above all

°Woodlights Woudlicht


Faden Quartz, Apophyllite, Phrenite with Epidote, Quartz, Chrysoprase, Scolecite, Herkimer Diamond, Morganite and Agate Geode
Faden Quartz, Apophyllite, Phrenite with Epidote, Quartz, Chrysoprase, Scolecite, Herkimer Diamond, Morganite and Agate Geode with Goethite

The gathering amongst the stars

deep in our being

the calling to be answered

hearing the sound of home

humming love

°Woodlights Woudlicht

Shores of my soul

Coral, Larimar, Turquoise, Quartz, Aquamarine, Asteroidea and Capiz Shells
Coral, Larimar, Turquoise, Quartz, Aquamarine, Asteroidea and Capiz Shells

Unto the shores of my soul

into the depths

grasping the lingering whispers

faraway vibrations

the everlasting song


all is taken care of

all is loved

°Woodlights Woudlicht