I bow

Faden Quartz, Morganite, Quartz, Prehnite with Epidote, Pink Andean Opal, Kunzite, Chrysoprase, Aquamarine
Faden Quartz, Morganite, Quartz, Prehnite with Epidote, Pink Andean Opal, Kunzite, Chrysoprase, Aquamarine

I bow in gratitude 
for all the hands that held mine
for all the shoulders I could stand upon
for all the beings that guided me along
for all the silent whispers in the cold
for every morning I could breathe, open my eyes and see
for all the remembrance, reminiscence, knowing beyond time
for the yielding and the surrender
for the bad, the ugly and the wrong
for the abundance, the light
for life, for this time
for all the stones accepting me into their soul
for the realms, the dimensions, the multiverse travelled
for all the love that engulfed me, wrapped me and kept me warm
for you
I bow in gratitude and kiss the ground we walk upon
°Woodlights Woudlicht

Sacred Circle

Quartz and Ilex

All of the healing wishes entered the circle
and as if in an ancient whisper 
that would layer down the blessing
protecting the core
love encompassed the whole
°Woodlights Woudlicht 

Unfolding of the skies

Aroha Stone, Amethyst Cactus Quartz, Aragonite, Quartz
Aroha Stone, Amethyst Cactus Quartz, Aragonite, Quartz

In the unfolding of the skies

it will be the stars in us

to walk the sacred grounds

unearthing the songs

our alliance has sown

eons in the future

and eons gone

°Woodlights Woudlicht