We are all healers

Lapis Lazuli, Quantum Quattro, Kyanite, Quartz
Lapis Lazuli, Quantum Quattro, Kyanite, Quartz

The wisdom in our being

it whispers healing

and in the resounding echoes

in the realms of breathing

deep in the essence of us all

°Woodlights Woudlicht

Memories of centuries

Copper, Quantum Quattro, Malachite and Bark of a tree
Copper, Quantum Quattro, Malachite and Bark of a tree

Long lost stories creep into my skin
the colors of the flowers draw lines in my veins
I hear through your eyes
the memories of centuries
of waiting
for the right moment for the right time
As my blood starts to boil the array of shades 
the leaves under my nails burst into blossoms
In the sky high a bird is circling a message
of safer havens and adventures unexplored
and it starts to rain hope tainted in rainbows

letting go after all this time

°Woodlights Woudlicht

A crystal grid to support the healing of ovarian cancer

A crystal grid to support ovarian cancer
Quantum Quattro, Chlorite Quartz, Seraphinite, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Moonstone and Smoky Quartz

For Sabinananda and her friend

The detours taken
the interruptions answered
the road still ahead
the hands touching
holding on all along
that is what life calls
healing amongst love
°Woodlights Woudlicht

A crystal grid for chronic pain

A crystal grid for chronic pain
Self-Healed Quartz with inclusions, Chlorite Quartz, Malachite, Verdelite in Lepidolite, Verdelite, Tourmalated Quartz (Verdelite), Jade, Rose Quartz, (Chevron) Amethyst, Quantum Quattro and Roses from the garden


For Julie, Johanne and Serena

May the stone that is laid down
expand the healing light which is within
multiply the love gathered on the realms travelled
not to the end
but let this being carry us
to where it begins
°Woodlights Woudlicht