Sunstone, Moonstone, Emerald, Rubellite, Scepter Quartz and Fluorite
In the union of the sacred the integration of the whole moves into a higher state of consciousness handing the understanding of the balance into the connection the alignment to dance on the strings of one °Woodlights Woudlicht
In these mythic times, I invite you once more to join me on the path of alchemy where seven stages will be explored – all the way deep into the soul – into the whole – into one.
This is the stage of conjunction – to ponder upon, to integrate, to take far into the deep, unifying all that is left, raising vibrations into the higher light being you are…
Fenster Elestial Lightkeeper Quartz, Opal, Star Ruby, Larimar, Aquamarine, Moonstone, Iolite and Sunstone
In the surrender to the soul master the waters surfacing the darkness accept the whole in the flow of our essential expression the immersion the dissolving of all that does not hold true entering the higher awareness expanding the consciousness facing the innermost center welcome the real you °Woodlights Woudlicht
In these mythic times, I invite you once more to join me on the path of alchemy where seven stages will be explored – all the way deep into the soul – into the whole – into one.
This is the stage of dissolution – to ponder upon, to integrate, to take far into the deep, facing the light and the unlight, and to let go of control until only the essential core flow you are is what rests…
Druid White Quartz, Quartz, Agate, Moonstone, Scolecite and Selenite
Inside the softness of life to remember the warmth of the breaths taken the whispers of existence the light that emanates the lives lived and lived again to not belong to oneself to not be oneself to be pieces of reminiscences parts of love born in times unknown to be from places undiscovered to the age of which to grow into now to be from worlds beyond within the knowing, the white, the black, the colors, the edges and the center inside the tenderness of this being to sense the belonging to all ° Woodlights Woudlicht