Love wealth

Pyrite, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Jade, Emerald and Aventurine
Pyrite, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Jade, Emerald and Aventurine

For Jessica Janes

In the mind of limitation you are none
you do not reside there
but elsewhere
in the touch of the wind upon our skin
in the laughter of stories deep within
in the glorious rays of the sun
in the world that rises
in the love that has just sprung
we will meet you anywhere
where abundance flows
and limits to life are many eons gone
°Woodlights Woudlicht

A crystal grid for chronic pain

A crystal grid for chronic pain
Self-Healed Quartz with inclusions, Chlorite Quartz, Malachite, Verdelite in Lepidolite, Verdelite, Tourmalated Quartz (Verdelite), Jade, Rose Quartz, (Chevron) Amethyst, Quantum Quattro and Roses from the garden


For Julie, Johanne and Serena

May the stone that is laid down
expand the healing light which is within
multiply the love gathered on the realms travelled
not to the end
but let this being carry us
to where it begins
°Woodlights Woudlicht