For this is the end
and the beginning
of the stories you whisper unto yourself
in resonance
with the love that heals
°Woodlights Woudlicht
A conversation with the sacred – Listening to the stones – Crystal Grid Healing
For this is the end
and the beginning
of the stories you whisper unto yourself
in resonance
with the love that heals
°Woodlights Woudlicht
Hundred of words cross my mind
not matching the trembling I feel in the realms
so I say nothing
hoping you will sense the immense intensity
the light carries
in this moment
and all other moments
the silent prayer
the beseeching of the stars
for you to return
to the splendor you are
here on earth
°Woodlights Woudlicht
Enter the kingdom of seers
to whom the darkness is a known
their touch
their words
the way their vibrations reach your soul
they do not teach
they show
that all is love
either in presence
or in absence
healing will follow
°Woodlights Woudlicht
This time
this realm
this warrior
in you
crafting the highest magic
out of love
honoring the alchemy
the understanding
that all that is
that all that becomes
that all that was
is unfolding
into the infinite dimensions of now
°Woodlights Woudlicht