
Herkimer Diamand, Trapiche Quartz, Dissolved Quartz, Scolecite, Goshenite, Quartz, Stalachtite sliced Quartz
Herkimer Diamond, Trapiche Quartz, Dissolved Quartz, Scolecite, Goshenite, Quartz, Stalachtite sliced Quartz

And once in a while

when this world seems so far away 

from the reality I am in my core

I allow myself being saved

by the beauty of it all

in all its dimensions

as tea drenched fabric wrapped into something tangible 

the poetry of tears falling down

painting life into me

calling back the stars

rocking me gently 

like a lullaby

the evanescence of it all

yet knowing the unlimitedness of the galaxies inside

the evaporation of existence

the everlasting being whole

torn into parts

and once in a while

when the world seems so far away

from the truth

I allow myself being saved 

by the surrender

kneeling down onto this earth

understanding the connection of this fragility

to the ultimate possibility we are

breaking open


°Woodlights Woudlicht

The sacred walks

Petrified Wood, Morganite, Scolecite, Menalite, Dissolved Quartz, Hematoid Quartz
Petrified Wood, Morganite, Scolecite, Menalite, Dissolved Quartz, Hematoid Quartz

From life unto life
the sacred walks beside
tickling your ear
one more try
just one more try
do you hear?
°Woodlights Woudlicht


Celestine, Quartz, Dissolved Quartz, Aquamarine, Fluorite, Golden Selentie, Apophyllite, Rodizhite, Scolecite, Tanzanite, Vera Cruz Amethyst, and Herkimer Diamond
Celestine, Quartz, Dissolved Quartz, Aquamarine, Fluorite, Golden Selenite, Apophyllite, Rhodizite, Scolecite, Tanzanite, Vera Cruz Amethyst, and Herkimer Diamond


travel with me to the horizons and beyond

let me show you the vastness of this multiverse

the borderless dimensions

the realms to be traversed

let us become the galaxies

return to where we come from

and then take residence back here

feel in every cell

all of the possibilities

expand over and above

rise throughout

understand beyond the bounds

you are limitless

and so is all

°Woodlights Woudlicht

*** For Marianna Markou ***

Power innate

Tuff with Lichen, Labradorite, White Druid Quartz, Staurolite, Dissolved Quartz, Herkimer Diamond and Quartz
Tuff with Lichen, Labradorite, White Druid Quartz, Staurolite, Dissolved Quartz, Herkimer Diamond and Quartz

I bow to these times

the undefinable realms of now

the space where the light gathers

in sacred circles

in all directions

finding the voice

on the trembling of vibrations

raising the frequencies

reminding you 

of the magic you are

and the power innate

to heal all

°Woodlights Woudlicht

*** For all the beings magic, the healers, for Maud ***