Come travel with me

Astrophyllite, Cryolite with Siderite, Obsidian, Labradorite, a Rock found on my way home, Labradorite, Quartz, Artemisia vulgaris
Astrophyllite, Cryolite with Siderite, Obsidian, a Rock found on my way home, Labradorite, Quartz, Artemisia vulgaris

In this touching upon words

the silence of a sacred presence

entered the entirety of being

expanding into the limitless worlds



dancing into one

upon the stillness

of deep truths

and ancient souls

to be found


the clarity of reality

among all layers of existence





in love

°Woodlights Woudlicht

The powers

Staurolite, Astrophyllite, Cryolite with Siderite, Nephrite, Moss Agate, Coral Stone and Nautilus
Staurolite, Astrophyllite, Cryolite with Siderite, Nephrite, Moss Agate, Coral Stone and Nautilus

In the cradle

folded in time

unloosened by birth

the wonder of all

carried by life and all its beings

and as if in an assembly of the powers that are to be

they are looking now at you

to rise

to align

to be who you are

an invitation open to love

and of all the deaths you have died before

this is living

°Woodlights Woudlicht

Soul embrace

Herkimer Diamond, Quartz, Phrenite, Morganite, Astrophylite, Cryolite with Siderite and Amethyst
Herkimer Diamond, Quartz, Phrenite, Morganite, Astrophylite, Cryolite with Siderite and Amethyst

For Yelena Tomas

If ever you would doubt the way of your soul
be assured
your soul knows
embracing you whole
°Woodlights Woudlicht