
Blue Andean Opal, Rutile Quartz, Honey Calcite, Greenlandite, Citrine, Golden Healer Quartz
Blue Andean Opal, Rutile Quartz, Honey Calcite, Greenlandite, Citrine, Golden Healer Quartz

Into the understanding of nothing

the field

of all that is


the beyond and within

and its only way out

is the embrace of

the knowing

that love understands all

°Woodlights Woudlicht


Ajoite Quartz, Blue Andean Opal, Amazonite, Aquamarine, Dravite, Kyanite, Rutile Quartz, Desert Rose, Fern and Centaurea montana
Ajoite Quartz, Blue Andean Opal, Amazonite, Aquamarine, Dravite, Kyanite, Rutile Quartz, Desert Rose, Fern and Centaurea montana

Within this change

it is love

that runs with courage

conquering all

°Woodlights Woudlicht