
Jade, Phrenite, Aventurine, Pyrite, Quartz, Tiger Eye, Imperial Topaz, Citrine, Garnet and Moss Agate
Jade, Phrenite, Aventurine, Pyrite, Quartz, Tiger Eye, Imperial Topaz, Citrine, Garnet, Magnetite and Moss Agate

In the sacred space

in between giving and receiving

the presence of healing


in love

°Woodlights Woudlicht

*** For Miz Renee – “Abundantly thriving lightworker healing practice with many to be healed finding the way to healing” ***


Fuchsite in Quartz, Morganite, Golden Selenite, Aventurine, Fluorite and Quartz
Fuchsite in Quartz, Morganite, Golden Selenite, Aventurine, Fluorite and Quartz

In this sense of being

it is not with the all

it is you being in harmony

with you

with the abundance of life

the eternal dance of vibrations

turning into a higher frequency

into the zero point

where love resides

turning love into all

°Woodlights Woudlicht

***Harmony – For Monika Motyckova ***

Tourmaline in Quartz, Verdelite, Watermelon Tourmaline and Aventurine
Tourmaline in Quartz, Verdelite, Watermelon Tourmaline and Aventurine

It has been said

it takes time to heal

I say unto you

to heal it takes love

and love is timeless

°Woodlights Woudlicht

An ode to the Reindeer King

Hematite, Aventurine and Quartz
Hematite, Aventurine and Quartz

We didn’t meet

you were there all along the way

and beyond

reminding us that abundance

lies in the gentleness

of the inner of the soul

whenever we share it and let it flow

°Woodlights Woudlicht