Mercury – Astrologia

Mercury Crystal Grid
Blue Quartz, Fluorite, Celestine, Anhydrite, Amazonite, Amethyst, Pyrite, Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine and Apatite

To birth an exploration of worlds
thoughts unravel into existence
insights of perception
of the outer
of the inner
communicating the wisdom
where to stand
when to rise
how to voice
and to be a messenger by choice
°Woodlights Woudlicht

The peace within

Amethyst, Lavender Amethyst, Cactus Amethyst, Tibetan Amethyst and Lavender
Amethyst, Lavender Amethyst, Cactus Amethyst, Tibetan Amethyst and Lavender

In the vibration of your being
numerous fields enter
and of all the powers to be held
it is your choice
to resonate the peace within
to the reverberation passing through
into music
into the numinous that is you
°Woodlights Woudlicht

A thousand of songs

Amethyst, Lavender Amethyst, Ametrine, Rose Quartz, Star Rose Quartz and Lavender from the garden
Amethyst, Lavender Amethyst, Ametrine, Rose Quartz, Star Rose Quartz and Lavender from the garden

The standstill of love
moves in vibrations
causing a full string of reactions
to explode in the eternal dance
moving the soul
in a thousand of songs
°Woodlights Woudlicht

The soul rising

Smoky Quartz 'Sirius Soul' with purple Fluorite, Eudialyte, Amethyst, Fluorite and Selenite
Smoky Quartz ‘Sirius Soul’ with purple Fluorite, Eudialyte, Amethyst, Fluorite and Selenite


Editing the lines in existence
cutting away all that needs to go
killing the doubts
extinguishing the inessentials
destroying the judgments
until the truth is left
bare and naked
the soul
to shine
in love
°Woodlights Woudlicht