
Golden Calcite, Amber, Cactus Amethyst, Bumblebee Jasper, Echinacea, Rudbeckia
Golden Calcite, Amber, Cactus Amethyst, Bumblebee Jasper, Echinacea, Rudbeckia

The warmth of this being

expanding growth

a metamorphosis of sorts

aligning with the source

of presence

leading life

full force

°Woodlights Woudlicht

The powers

Gogottes - Sand Concretion, Amber, Quartz, Coral, Hematoid Quartz
Gogottes – Sand Concretion, Amber, Quartz, Coral, Hematoid Quartz

In the cradle

folded in time

unloosened by birth

the wonder of all

carried by life and all its beings

and as if in an assembly of the powers that are to be

they are looking now at you

to rise

to align

to be who you are

an invitation open to love

and of all the deaths you have died before

this is living

°Woodlights Woudlicht

In love

Honey Calcite, Pink Andean Opal, Amber, Morganite, Star Muscovite
Honey Calcite, Pink Andean Opal, Amber, Morganite, Star Muscovite

Of all the states to travel 
I linger in love
°Woodlights Woudlicht