
Herkimer Diamand, Trapiche Quartz, Dissolved Quartz, Scolecite, Goshenite, Quartz, Stalachtite sliced Quartz
Herkimer Diamond, Trapiche Quartz, Dissolved Quartz, Scolecite, Goshenite, Quartz, Stalachtite sliced Quartz

And once in a while

when this world seems so far away 

from the reality I am in my core

I allow myself being saved

by the beauty of it all

in all its dimensions

as tea drenched fabric wrapped into something tangible 

the poetry of tears falling down

painting life into me

calling back the stars

rocking me gently 

like a lullaby

the evanescence of it all

yet knowing the unlimitedness of the galaxies inside

the evaporation of existence

the everlasting being whole

torn into parts

and once in a while

when the world seems so far away

from the truth

I allow myself being saved 

by the surrender

kneeling down onto this earth

understanding the connection of this fragility

to the ultimate possibility we are

breaking open


°Woodlights Woudlicht

Raw, naked, tender and true

Tourmaline with Mica on matrix, Aquamarine, Rodochrosite, Rose Quartz
Tourmaline with Mica on matrix, Aquamarine, Rodochrosite, Rose Quartz

In which we start anew

the dawn

the twilight

there where we gather

the impressions

the vibrations

the stories in between the lines

we should notice

the eternal way

the circle

the spiral

entering the words thrown at us

let them be


and raw

so they can turn


and true

on their way home

°Woodlights Woudlicht

Being healing in presence

Quartz with Chlorite, Chalcopyrite, Mica and Fluorite, Prehnite with Epidote, Chlorite Quartz, Fluorite, Star Muscovite
Quartz with Chlorite, Chalcopyrite, Mica and Fluorite, Prehnite with Epidote, Chlorite Quartz, Fluorite, Star Muscovite

In this healing










the poetry of being in the healing ever expanding in presence of truth of presence

°Woodlights Woudlicht

Close-up Quartz with Chlorite, Chalcopyrite, Mica and Fluorite, Prehnite with Epidote, Chlorite Quartz, Fluorite, Star Muscovite
Close-up Quartz with Chlorite, Chalcopyrite, Mica and Fluorite, Prehnite with Epidote, Chlorite Quartz, Fluorite, Star Muscovite
Traveling Quartz with Chlorite, Chalcopyrite, Mica and Fluorite, Prehnite with Epidote, Chlorite Quartz, Fluorite, Star Muscovite

A purple sky

Aragonite, Amethyst, Campanula
Aragonite, Amethyst, Campanula

The wind blows my words to you
and somehow it seems to 
unveil the stories of yourself to you
and I remain somewhere in the shade
watching the light unravel its rays
coming out
it voices the cries 
of reminiscence
of recognition
of knowing it all without knowing why
and the moment when the wind brings rain
the thunder rises to a purple sky
I can reassure you
there is more poetry to convey
in the darkest of the storms
not by my words
but by your light
°Woodlights Woudlicht