Golden Healer Quartz, Quartz, Amethyst, Lavender Amethyst and Vera Cruz Amethyst
Golden Healer Quartz, Quartz, Amethyst, Lavender Amethyst and Vera Cruz Amethyst


For the one who loves
all is sacred
°Woodlights Woudlicht

Fluorite, Lepidolite and Amazonite
Fluorite, Lepidolite and Amazonite

The manifestation into the calm
the ordinary acts of bravery
to stand
to accept
to change
and to love
still after all this time
°Woodlights Woudlicht

Montana Agate and Escargot Snails
Montana Agate and Escargot Snails

From where you are
a whole world expands
in and out
so when you walk your path
let it fill with love
°Woodlights Woudlicht

Honey Calcite, Morganite, Verdelite, Aquamarine, Golden Healer Quartz, Phrenite, Rose Quartz, Watermelon Tourmaline, Seeds and Seedpods

In tears there is a sacredness
something that wells up from deep inside of us
and washes us clean
it takes us through the ocean of sadness
and heals us in the surrender
°Woodlights Woudlicht