You did not forget me

Aquamarine, Jade, Verdelite, Chrysoprase and Myosotis
Aquamarine, Jade, Verdelite, Chrysoprase and Myosotis

I did not forget you

I never will

your love is sheltering me in unseen places

healing me in the songs of the wind

for me to sing along

and sit quietly in the forest

next to the river


you did not forget me

you never will

you were here for so long 

in so many forms

too many to mention

but all to be loved

°Woodlights Woudlicht

Your path

Morganite, Rodozhite and Lewisia cotyledon
Morganite, Rhodizite and Lewisia cotyledon

From where you are
a whole world expands
in and out
so when you walk your path
let it fill with love
°Woodlights Woudlicht

The void


In the void of this

the emptiness stretches in survival

to die

into the abundance of life

and the understanding

all of it is sacred

all of it is sacred






°Woodlights Woudlicht

Sacred circle

Morganite, Quartz, Jade, Verdelite, Chlorite Quartz, Herkimer Diamond, Phrenite with Epidote, Dandelion Fluff, White Feathers found and Forget-me-nots
Morganite, Quartz, Jade, Verdelite, Chlorite Quartz, Herkimer Diamond, Prehnite with Epidote, Dandelion Fluff, White Feathers found and Forget-me-nots

All of the healing wishes entered the circle
and as if in an ancient whisper 
that would layer down the blessing
protecting the core
love encompassed the whole
°Woodlights Woudlicht 
