Sacred Circle

Quartz and Ilex

All of the healing wishes entered the circle
and as if in an ancient whisper 
that would layer down the blessing
protecting the core
love encompassed the whole
°Woodlights Woudlicht 

Wisdom of the ages

Celestine, Tanzanite, Kyanite, Morganite, Aquamarine
Celestine, Tanzanite, Kyanite, Morganite, Aquamarine

In the sacred circle

the ending arrives with a beginning

and as the circle goes

it is our goodbye to what is to cease

how the dimensions greet one another

in the ever changing

infinitely indebted to the grace of all life

so we bow

out of gratitude

and we know

it will be love

°Woodlights Woudlicht


Apophyllite on Stilbite, Aquamarine, Quartz, Rose Quartz
Apophyllite on Stilbite, Aquamarine, Quartz, Rose Quartz

And in circles we sat


held in a deep resonance

with what was holding us


°Woodlights Woudlicht