Holy Grail

Ocean Jasper, Rose Quartz and Roses from our garden close up

In the vibrations of love
a world changes
as hearts open
words soften
hands reach out to help
what if we would ignore all the other noise 
just listen and bring along the reverberations
of this alchemy
would we not have found the holy grail
to change life into an eternal flow of love
°Woodlights Woudlicht

Ocean Jasper, Rose Quartz and Roses from our garden


Aquamarine, Rose Quartz, Bi-colour Tourmaline and Viburnum

unleashes the treasures of the heart
softly cleansing all that has to part
°Woodlights Woudlicht

Sacred circle

Smithsonite, Phrenite with Epidote, Beryl, Lavender Amethyst and Rose Quartz
Smithsonite, Phrenite with Epidote, Beryl, Amethyst, Lavender Amethyst and Rose Quartz

the light
do not hold on
focus on the way around
the sacred circle
in infinity
just like you
°Woodlights Woudlicht

Myriad of lives

Eudialyte, Rose Quartz and Flowers
Eudialyte, Rose Quartz and Flowers

I am not alone
in the myriad of lives that touched my soul
I leave pieces of the ways of old
to surrender into this being
to yield into the paths of the whole
to return and turn
to the wisdom of the ages
found only in love
°Woodlights Woudlicht