
Morganite, Rubellite Quartz, Taramite, Schörl, Schörl with Goshenite, Rose Quartz and Milky Quartz

Of all the threads in life’s web
the ones made of love are the strands that are unbreakable
°Woodlights Woudlicht

The highest

Morganite, Peridot, Quartz, Amethyst, Pink Andean Opal, Aragonite, Ruby, Tourmaline, Aventurine, Chrysoprase, Herkimer Diamond, Menalite, Rose Quartz and Rodochrosite

In the blueprint of abundance
the presence of love was sensed
like a seed 
planting itself inside all it encountered
and among the grateful hearts
it nested
as it felt easy to fly in and out
blown in every direction
waiting to be born
where energy was standing still
it halted and softly kissed the ground
to move again
to return to life’s sound
returning to its core
and once more resonating
the existence of the highest
of which we all share 
°Woodlights Woudlicht

The blueprint

Morganite, Peridot, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Herkimer Diamond, Tourmaline Quartz, Quartz, Watermelon Tourmaline, Chrysoprase, Amazonite and Dravite

To return to the essence of the beginning

into the state of love

to expand and diverge

to infuse and impart

into all

the whole

being one

that is what we came for

with the blueprint

in the stars of our veins



°Woodlights Woudlicht