Tourmaline in Quartz, Verdelite, Watermelon Tourmaline and Aventurine
Tourmaline in Quartz, Verdelite, Watermelon Tourmaline and Aventurine

It has been said

it takes time to heal

I say unto you

to heal it takes love

and love is timeless

°Woodlights Woudlicht

A journey into arrival

Quartz, Nuummite and Herkimer Diamond
Quartz, Nuummite and Herkimer Diamond

Seen in presence
the unwinding of visions
imminence mapped out
of all the stories revealed
to be held in the soul
reaching vibrations 
in the realms of forever
in the worlds of old
a journey into arrival
where we just bow
°Woodlights Woudlicht

Cherry Blossom Stone, Star Ruby, Rodochrosite, Chrysoprase, Jade, Rose Quartz, Imperial Topaz, Morganite and Astrantia, Gerbera petals and Wax flower
Cherry Blossom Stone, Star Ruby, Rodochrosite, Chrysoprase, Jade, Rose Quartz, Imperial Topaz, Morganite and Astrantia, Gerbera petals and Wax flower

Of all the places we travel
love always crosses the fields with us
°Woodlights Woudlicht