A crystal grid to support the healing of ovarian cancer

A crystal grid to support ovarian cancer
Quantum Quattro, Chlorite Quartz, Seraphinite, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Moonstone and Smoky Quartz

For Sabinananda and her friend

The detours taken
the interruptions answered
the road still ahead
the hands touching
holding on all along
that is what life calls
healing amongst love
°Woodlights Woudlicht

Conjunction – Alchemy Grid

Sunstone, Moonstone, Emerald, Rubellite, Scepter Quartz and Fluorite
Sunstone, Moonstone, Emerald, Rubellite, Scepter Quartz and Fluorite

In the union of the sacred
the integration of the whole
moves into a higher state of consciousness
handing the understanding
of the balance
into the connection
the alignment
to dance on the strings of one
°Woodlights Woudlicht

Next weekend the stage of fermentation follows.

Dissolution – Alchemy Grid

Fenster Elestial Lightkeeper Quartz, Opal, Star Ruby, Larimar, Aquamarine, Moonstone, Iolite and Sunstone
Fenster Elestial Lightkeeper Quartz, Opal, Star Ruby, Larimar, Aquamarine, Moonstone, Iolite and Sunstone

In the surrender to the soul
master the waters
surfacing the darkness
accept the whole
in the flow of our essential expression
the immersion
the dissolving of all that does not hold true
entering the higher awareness
expanding the consciousness
facing the innermost center
welcome the real you
°Woodlights Woudlicht

Next weekend the stage of separation follows.